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Melanie Knowles
1 min read
Felt Maker's Journey: From Felt-Making to Soapmaking
What has soap-making got to do with felt-making? Well for a start you cannot wet felt without using soap in the process. After many years...
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Melanie Knowles
2 min read
Turbulence - Wind Farm Woes
"Get over it, Mum!", exclaimed my millennial daughter, in response to my whinge about the wind farm on the western side of our farm. This...
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Melanie Knowles
2 min read
What is felt and why should you wear it?
Did you know that felt predates knitting and weaving? Felt saddle cloths, footwear and headdresses have been found in tombs in the Altai...
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Melanie Knowles
2 min read
What is an eco print, anyway?
I kind of feel like an alchemist when I engage in the process of eco-printing. It is quite magical. And to add to the excitement of it...
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Melanie Knowles
2 min read
Flies, snakes and life is the best!
They say time flies when you're having fun.... Mmm? I don't know whether it has all been fun but I still wake up every morning feeling...
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